Friday, June 24, 2005

The End of Freedom in America

The Supreme Court has rewritten the Constitution for us. By a close vote (5 - 4) the Supremes decided that a govenmental unit can take your property to turn it over to a commercial enterprise for development. Previously, Eminent Domain was considered reserved for public need, such as highways or schools. Under this ruling, your house or business can be condemned to turn the property over to Wal-Mart. The gap between the haves and have-nots has been made even wider.This means that private property has ceased to have any meaning. The very basis of our form of government has been summarily destroyed. Without private property the concept of the individual is meaningless. This decision, for the first time in U. S. history, makes the government unequivocally superior to the individual. There can be no free markets, nor freedom of action, with the shadow of government seizure looming in the background. Carried to its logical conclusion, this decision means that the government can seize your wrist watch if it perceives a higher use for it.


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